As you may know Penn DOT builds and outlines a 12-year Transportation Program of road projects that include our area and beyond. The current Program runs 2015 thru 2026. Every two years the State Transportation Commission (STC) and Penn DOT update the current Twelve Year Transportation Program (TYP).
The first step in the 2017 update process is to hear from PA residents. If you want to be heard, want to listen in or want to complete a transportation survey that provides feedback for consideration updating the current Program.....
....go to the following website - you can register for an online public meeting (April 16 at 7pm). The online public meeting is open to all share this e-mail with any PA resident. Can't make the online public meeting, provide feedback through an online survey (open April 16 thru May 29), this information is also include at the web address noted.
Web address to view Penn DOT's 12-Year Transportation Program: