Do you have those 'HARD TO RECYCLE' items you have no idea what to do with?
Things like light bulbs, mercury, plant pot and trays, electronics, prescription medicine, rechargeable batteries, used oil, Styrofoam, tires, yard waste,
plastic bags, paint etc.......
Well, open the document below with detailed instructions of the
where and when for these materials.
Recycling in Penn Township
Starting May 1, 2021, the Penn Township Recycling Center will be by Permit Only and only if you are a Penn Township Resident or Business. The cost of the permit, which will be available to purchase at the Penn Township Office, will be $20 for individuals and $50 for businesses and the days and hours are Monday-Friday from 7 am to 3 pm and the 1st Saturday of the month from 7 am to 3 pm. The Board of Supervisors has regretfully had to restrict the access to their recycling center because of funding that is no longer provided by Snyder County. Bins will remain open and unlocked unless they are abused. At which time the bins will be locked and other procedures will be put in place. Site will be lit and monitored with cameras. Violators of the site will be prosecuted! The materials accepted at our site are NOT determined by Penn Township. These decisions come from Lycoming County Resource Management Services in Williamsport and the current acceptable materials include:
newspaper *dry and strings, tape, or plastic bags
magazines and catalogs *dry and loose in the same bin, no need to keep separate
aluminum (placed in cage, no bags, accepted by Troop 419)
Office Paper All office paper must now be placed in the cardboard bin. If you shred anything please leave it in a closed plastic bag or paper bag.
steel cans *clean...lids and labels okay
clear, green and brown glass *Please separate these glasses by color. Unsure of the color of your bottle or jug...add with the green
Corrugated Cardboard, Chipboard, Pasteboard, Junk Mail, Phonebooks, Hardback and Paperback books Break all boxes down to save space!
#1 and #2 plastics *bottles and jugs only, WITH LIDS! The following is a list of NO items for our plastic bin. whip containers and lids NO...deli trays and lids NO...clam shells (you know, you buy cookies, veggies and strawberries in them) NO...plastic horseshoes...yup found these in our bin! NO....Daily Item newspaper boxes...yup found one of these in our bin! NO... baby wipe containers NO...plastic buckets and their lids NO....plastic dishes food coffee cups NO...yogurt cups NO...oil jugs or antifreeze jugs (contaminated)
Read the block below to see why some items with the #1 and #2 stamped on them are NOT accepted.
***Recycling at Selinsgrove Center on State School Road***
Material Accepted at the Center:
- Corrugated cardboard
- Newspaper including inserts
- office paper (any color)
- Aluminum Berverage cans
- telephone books
- pre-shredded paper (sorted - do not mix types or kinds)
- confidential document shredding service is available w/ industrial cross-cut machine plus now also available a secure and locked a storage area for all confidential material if it cannot be immediately shredded.
Material NOT accepted at the Center:
- Wax covered corrugated cardboard
- Magazines
- Envelopes of any kind
- card stock
- pressed paper (meaning soda cases, cereal boxes, shoe boxes etc...)
On State School Road in the former laundry building, llook for the recycling sign.
Hours are Mon thru Fri 8:00 am to 3:30 pm. Tel: 570-372-5656 if you have questions. Please sign the clipboard hanging inside the door and note that you are a Penn Township resident or business.
All materials should be placed inside the larger garage door, especially if it is raining.
Why are deli trays and other plastic containers stamped with the #1 NOT acceptable at this recycle site?
>>> A deli tray may be branded with a #1 (just like a water bottle), yet it contains different dyes, softeners, and other chemicals required to shape it into a tray. This mix of additives changes the properties of the plastic and makes it incompatible with the plastic used to make bottles.
>>> To add to the confusion, the plastics industry's use of the chasing arrows with its numbering system leads most to believe that any container with arrows is recyclable.
>>>The industry says it never intended the symbol to indicate that a container was recyclable or had recycled content, but simply used it as a catchy graphic to highlight the identifying number.
Composting in Penn Township
Penn Township compost site is located on Township land at the end of Gaugler Lane across from the Salem Lutheran Church, Salem Road. We accept trees (including Christmas trees), shrub trimmings, branches, leaves, garden waste, and grass clippings. There are signs on site to show you where to place the various materials.
Materials not to be placed at the site are: tree stumps, animal waste, meat or fish bones, fat-grease-oil, dairy products, plastic, metals....AND NO DUMPING OF BURN BARRELS.
Coal, wood or charcoal ash can be placed on the Township cinder pile at the compost site. No ashes at the Township Building.
The site is open 7 days a week, dawn to dusk for township residens and businesses by permit only. Compost and coarse mulch is available for free to our residents. Please call the Township office, 570-374-4778 to check on availability.
Click on Link Below for a Detailed List
Penn Township's Composting Site |
Regulations |
Sign to Composting Area |